Healthy Ageing
Healthy eating and physical activity programs, practical information and resources to support people to stay fit and independent as they grow older.

It’s never too late to exercise
Participating in regular physical activity works wonders for our physical and mental health. It improves our strength, balance and coordination, reducing our risk of falls and helping us maintain our independence.
It gives us more energy, and prevents or delays diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or osteoporosis. It can also improve our cognitive function (how our brain works), with studies showing regular exercise reduces the risk of dementia.
In addition to the mental health benefits of physical activity, joining an exercise class or program also helps us make social connections and avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Despite this, you may be thinking you’re too old to begin exercising or it’s too early to start thinking about maintaining good balance.
Well, remember, it’s never too late to exercise. Anybody can do it, no matter what your age or ability. And it’s never too early to do strength and balance exercise to reduce our risk of falling.

Find a program or class
There are a number of NSW Health programs or local exercise classes available on the Central Coast that can help you reach the recommended levels of physical activity each week.
Get Healthy Service
The Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service is a free, phone-based coaching service that helps people aged 16 and over make positive lifestyle changes.
Stepping On
Stepping On is a seven-week community-based falls prevention program for adults aged 65 years and over and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 45 and over.
Find a local exercise class
NSW Health’s Active & Healthy website features an online directory to help you find exercise classes and programs near you. Walking groups, tai chi, yoga, dance and more!
Tech Savvy Seniors
Free digital literacy courses delivered face-to-face across the Central Coast to help older adults develop the skills and confidence to access information and services online.

Healthy Ageing Online Learning
Learn about healthy eating, getting active and falls prevention at your own pace from the comfort of your own home thanks to NSW Health’s free new Healthy Ageing Online Learning platform.
The platform includes:
- eight online learning modules with quizzes
- two online exercise programs designed for beginners with videos so you can follow along at home
- factsheets with helpful tips and information
- an exercise manual and logbook with images and easy-to-follow instructions
Users do not need to register or log in, making it easier for more people to access the content at any time.
Healthy ageing resources
We have resources, including checklists and activities, that provide practical advice and support on keeping our body and mind active as we grow older.
There are also a number of websites that support older people with particular conditions, the links to many you will find below.
- Eating Well: A nutrition resource for older people and their carers – practical advice to help older people maintain weight, muscle and bone strength and independence
- Eating Well: A nutrition resource for older people and their carers – summary version
- Eating for Health and Independence – recipes designed to keep frail older people as well-nourished as possible. Suitable for those receiving Meals on Wheels and Home Care
- Eat Well for Life: Nutrition for the well older person
- Back to Basics: Tips to help you feed the family for less
- Nutrition and hydration animation – Nutrition UP 65 project
- Active & Healthy brochure
- Be physically active factsheet
- Home-based exercises to improve strength and balance factsheet
- Strength and balance fridge magnet – call our team on (02) 4320 9700 to order yours
- Balance and footwear factsheet
- Prevent falls with stronger feet leaflet – simple exercises you can do at home to increase the strength of your feet
- Elderly ageing feet – Australian Podiatry Association
- Falls prevention checklist – includes 11 simple questions to help reduce your personal risk of a fall-related injury
- Falls are Preventable leaflet – contains advice on steps to take to reduce your risk of falling
- Falls are Preventable wordsearch – can you find all the words?
- Prevent falls in public places factsheet
- Spot the falls risk – can you spot all 21 hazards?
- What to do if you fall at home poster – contains visual steps on what to do. Why not print it out and keep around the house as a reference?
- Staying active and on your feet – download the full booklet on this page and view individual chapters or translated versions
- Safety considerations for simple home maintenance activities – print and use this checklist from NSW Health
- Home safety checklist – take the suggested steps to make your home safer
- Home safety for falls prevention factsheet
- Steps to Home Ladder Safety – Agency for Clinical Innovation
- Making the most of your eyesight factsheet
- Macular Disease Foundation Australia website – advice and resources about macular degeneration
- Vision Australia website – blindness and low vision services
- Manage your medicines factsheet
- Medicine Record Card – print this card and carry it with you at all times to show to all health professionals (doctor, dentist, pharmacist, podiatrist, etc.
- MedsCheck and Diabetes MedsCheck – quick checklist to see if your medicines need a check up
- Return of Expired and Unwanted Medicines – a free and convenient way to dispose of unwanted medicines responsibly via your local pharmacy
Falls are Preventable videos
The following clips are from our Falls Are Preventable DVD. The videos look at the risk factors for falls and what action can be taken to help prevent a fall. These include medication, physical activity, eyesight, footwear, balance, home hazards, public safety and nutrition.
You can request a copy of the DVD by emailing us via the link below. Alternatively, watch any of the individual chapters below.

Nutrition and hydration
Chronic conditions
How to put shoes on to avoid a fall
Prevent falls in public places
Reducing hazards at home
Getting off the floor safely after a fall
Free healthy ageing presentations
We can facilitate healthy ageing presentations on a wide range of current topics.
Contact us on (02) 4320 9700 to discuss arranging a presentation for you.

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